Friday, June 17, 2011

Weekly Brew Review

Since my homie Black Metal Kevin has been slackin super hard on his weekly brew review (meaning i'm pretty sure he only did one,) i'm going to do a review of my own. Do Check his house blog though for sick videos and maybe another brew review some day. So here it is, the first brew I chose to review is the ever classic Busch 40 ouncer, with a side of Lazy Magnolia Brewery's Southern Pecan.

Brown Bag Special

The first thought I had when I cracked open this familiar brew was, damn this isn't that cold! That's alright though because Busch never lets me down. It is the way to go if you are going to stay on the budget because it is a better flavor than Bud or High Life and won't fill you up as fast. PBR is a pretty decent match but it sucks unless its in a draft or 12oz bottle. Busch can be enjoyed in every packaging. In this case it was satisfying however not "as cold as a mountain stream" but either way it was still "as smooth as it's name" whatever thats supposed to mean.

The next brew on this review is Lazy Magnolia's Southern Pecan. It is obvious due to its name a brown ale brewed with real pecans. I believe Abita was the first brewery to use actual pecans in the brewing process but Lazy does a good job as well. I have had this beer both in a bottle and on draft. I prefer the bottle but the draft is a close second. It has a sweet aroma and a very smooth taste and finish, subtle hints of pecans the whole time. This will run you around 7.99 a sixer so its not exactly budget brew or anything but its well worth the shot. If you can find it, try another brew by them called Indian Summer, its a great one.

So that does it with this Brew Review, hope BMK doesn't mind I snaked his idea but hes a square anyway. I also had a Coors Light, nothing to write home about. Light, Cold, and somewhere along the way, you get a Buzz.

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