Friday, September 30, 2011

Flat Bottoms are Down!

Went by tobey today to scope out some more progress. Im getting more anxious than ever trying to skate this place. Well it looks like the flats are in both bowls, from the spot i was standing it was hard to see the bigger bowl but i think it was done too. The snake bowl is fully done and it looks good. Should be fast. Thanks again Mike Lassiter for stepping in and getting the design to look sick. Oh, theres some stairs too, looks like a very minimal amount of roll away though, who knows, its not finished.


Looks like a good place to post up before rolling into that bowl..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Check out our new house blog for updates on workdays, rad sessions, and whatever other kind of shit goes along with a d.i.y. spot. Keep posted and follow it for reals fool!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Always nice to get crispy. Set this guy up today, Memphis Represent. Blood Sucking Elvis! Thanks a bunch Christian and Cooper Skateboards for the support. Keepin it Crispy! Go to the site and get your crisp on!

Lurk Hard

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A few new pics on the skatepark

Here is a look at the park as it stands today. It won't open until December 1st because Memphis is Fucking Lame and won't have the insurance policy in affect until then. So, the flat bottoms won't be poured until the week before opening, Thanks alot. Instead of opening an outdoor facility in the nice weather, we will now have a park opening in the cold winter with minimal day light. Sounds great. With that being said, the park does look like a really good time. So, I guess we just have to wait. Whats 3 more months when I've been waiting 13 years?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Congrats, Clay and Miles!

Looks like the boys have been on one lately. Miles and Clay have been smashing they're way through comps all over the country. Although I don't know them, I'm stoked to represent the same gear as them. Good work boys, keep it up.

Clay at the 2nd place position. Little guy is way gnarly. How do kids get so good?

Miles on the 3rd, I watched the footage of the highlight reel, these kids are no joke. Flipping and slidding their way to free flow glory.

I have no idea who to give photo credit to so I will just say that I took the photos off the Index Ink website. Good work guys.

9-14 Tobey

More progress on the park as the "questionable" at best street design begins to take form. The Jersey barrier object is pretty jacked looking if you ask me but hey, we like it like that. Nothing should be too easy. The bowls are almost fully poured except for the flat bottoms and the decks surrounding them. They look super fun except the shallow ends are so mellow you could pop actual tricks into them. Its hard to tell but it also looks like they may have messed up the big extension, the pour doesn't look consistent all the way across. If it weren't for Mike Lassiter, the snake bowl wouldn't bowl out at the end, so that is a major improvement because that pocket looks super fun.

This is a handrail i suppose, but the bank ledge thing behind it is the real slash.

This is sort of an overview of the bowl. If you look at the far side of the extension, it looks kinda banked out before it goes to vert. Could be an illusion.

The Snake Bowl, thanks to Mike, it was going to be a Snake Run.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Tobey Skatepark Update

Just some more pictures from today. Looks like in a 5 day period they have done quite a lot. The "big bowl" looks done except for the extension and the flat bottom. And they have poured about half of the snake bowl too as well as some street stuff.

A few random angles of the "snake bowl"

This is one of the ledge parts of the park, sort of where the snake bowl ends this begins. Looks fun but some serious crash up factor potential.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We Have Crete!

They have started to finally pour some crete at the skatepark! Sick! I can't wait until its finally done.

Friday, September 2, 2011

More on Tobey Skatepark

Man its really coming together, but i am super anxious for the pouring to begin.

This thing here is sort of a surprise, it's some sort of bank wall jersey barrier that should be right up my ally. Im super stoked on this.

I can see this part getting hectic with mad grom action.

The "big bowl." At least it will have lots of pool block.

All photos by Aaron Shaffer. Check all the progress on Skate Life Memphis because he keeps it very regularly updated.