Thursday, September 30, 2010

Epoxy Or Not, We Are Gunna Shred Fool!

So we have gotten the bricks laid obviously, and we put the rest of the masonite on. Hammond and I could wait no longer, we went ahead with the sesh before we put the epoxy between the bricks. So what? It makes for the clack clack clack sound you are looking for even harder, and its more challenging to grind. The epoxy is getting put in tonight and the ramp will be a full on sesh by tomorrow. Saturday Terrytopia after party on Trife Street.

It's Done!

We even put together a small mini sesh montage!

OG Trife Ramp Footy from Trife Street on Vimeo.

Slappin Bricks Down

The bricks are now set! The only thing that needs to be done now is put some epoxy in between the bricks, and put the last strip of masonite on and its a session. The ramp should be done tonight to sesh when I get off work! Thats something to look forward to for sure!

The photos are blurry, sorry, my phone doesnt take a clean action shot!
Sippy Cup, Hamboner, and Jungle getting down!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Almost Ready to Slash!

We have been taking a lot of days in between working but when we actually work we get stuff done! As of tonight, the only thing left to do is put the very top two pieces of masonite on the ramp, and set the brick coping! I am getting so STOKED on getting this thing done. There isn't anything better than a good crunch grind and we will be able to catch one daily in the backyard! Gotta give a major shout out to Mike and Hammond for putting in the most hours on getting this thing built. Another major shout out to Jungle Jeff for providing the bricks, and Terry Kerr for providing the ramp itself! When this thing is fully operational, there will be a major session for all the homies to get down on so be on the look out for footage and photos galore to come! Keep it Trife!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Its coming along nicely. We actually have done more work than the photo shows. The deck and coping on one side are already up. I have to order our bullnose bricks before we can finish the other deck. We also have to put on the masonite and we are looking good ready to party down.

Hammonds phone camera

Monday, September 13, 2010

Charge It! Jonesboro Party Time!

Took it to Jboog with the Memphis homies for an epic bowl sesh. Brews were drank, tricks went down, and concussions were sustained! We also got to hit a local "Man Ramp" in a warehouse with some Arkansas local Oby pool coping! Total Rad Sunday Fun Day for sure! Heres a little taste of what went down! Oh and by the way, rep index tank tops for ultimate party time and sunburn factor max!

Jones Boro Trife Street Sesh from Trife Street on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Justice For Julian!

I just read this article on The Skateboard Mag website and it is completely crazy. There is no reason for things like this to be happening in America. Please read this article and if it has affected you like it did me and over 1000 other people, please sign the petition that the site has a link to. The petition needs at least 5000 signatures, lets make this happen! This is a tragic story about another skateboarder treated like scum by his local police force. Its amazing that cops are supposed to "serve and protect" and I have never once felt safe in the presents of an officer. Something is seriously wrong with that!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Office Ramp moving to Trife Street!

I don't know why exactly but i guess they need more space in the office. They called me up and asked if we would be interested in putting the mini ramp in our garage? Why on earth we would say no is difficult to imagine. Sometime this week we are moving all of the pieces to the garage and then re-assembling them. The only difference other than location to the ramp will be that it will no longer be a wallride on one side. The tall side will be cut down and instead of metal coping we will be putting bullnose brick, or pool coping, or a frankenstein combo of the two. If the word mini is involved in ramp, you gotta at least add a crunch grind to one side to keep it interesting. Sessions will commence daily so if you are in the area, hit us up and come shred.

This is the ramp just after completion, the deck is actually collapsible to save space, although in this photo it hasn't been built yet.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Excellent Adventure Part II

A few more pictures. These are all from a Party in New Mexico. The Chinese kid had never been to an American party before and was amazed at how everyone behaved. I think he had a bunch of fun though. There was good food and plenty of Ice Cold! We also saw a double rainbow, no joke, it was rad.

Some DeathDay Props

Things Get Weird!